Friday, 16 July 2010

Unleash the power of you mind with hypnosis.

Most people accept the mind is a powerful super computer. It accepts data files it, stores it, filters it and makes use of it as required. It does a good job of all of that. But every computer can get confused, can misread the data and of course can run damaging programmes at times.
If we consider most of the things we would like to alter or change in our own life, in terms of a computer mal-function, it is easy to see how hypnosis could fit in.
Scared of dogs? Maybe many years ago something happened and the programme has gone into a loop. Every dog is the same dog with the same outcome, therefore be scared.
Eating or smoking too much? Habits are formed when we ‘teach’ our subconscious to behave in a different way. We then find it harder to remove that teaching without some help.
Confidence a little lower than it should be? Filtering out positive messages and storing negative ones means we have a head full of ‘cant’s’ rather than ‘why nots’!
So it goes on. Hypnosis is the means by which we can choose to reconsider the habits, the messages, the expectations of our subconscious with a view to altering, adapting and making use of the power of the mind constructively. We can literally reprogramme the negative aspects replacing them with positive outlooks, positive habits and positive attitudes.
This does not mean brain-washing. Hypnosis can only assist with the assistance of the person by their wanting the change, supporting it and allowing it to happen. Changing behaviour is always for the better, and therefore acceptable to the self-protecting part of our minds.
So many people around the word use hypnosis, meditation, quiet times, prayer, contemplation, and a thousand other techniques because they all know it works. The hypnotist makes such activities more productive, by guiding and facilitating the individual to achieve whatever it is they wish.
Despite beliefs to the contrary, the subject is always in control, and consents therefore to the positive suggestions that the hypnotist offers them. There is nothing magical, nothing mystical in hypnosis. What there is instead is something that might be considered counselling for the subconscious. A guided, alteration of some mal formed programme that is working against the desired outcome. A mouthful indeed. That is better said as a catalyst for creating the change that is required.
Whichever words you use, hypnosis is capable of enhancing your life. With the added benefit of being a really relaxing feeling, there is not real reason why you should not give it a go. Speak to your local hypnotist and start the journey of change today.

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